Criminal Lawyer
Everyone missteps from time to time. It is human nature to make mistakes. But for better and for worse, some missteps result in significant consequences while others go virtually overlooked. When individuals are on probation, few missteps go unnoticed. As a result, it is important to respond promptly, professionally and in a legally informed way to probation violations. Working with an experienced attorney can help to mitigate any consequences that may result from a violation.
If you have violated your parole, we hope you will reach out and connect with our firm today. We can help you prepare for your probation violation hearing and answer any questions you may have about your current situation. When possible, we will help you to mitigate the consequences of your parole violation and find a more successful way forward.
Responding to Parole Violation Charges
During your hearing, you will be given an opportunity to respond to accusations that you violated your parole. It generally makes sense to not only be honest with the court but also remorseful if you have indeed violated the terms of your parole. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your misstep, a judge may be more inclined to be lenient if you made an honest mistake and/or you seem genuinely sorry to have broken the court’s trust.
In order to show respect for the court, the process and your situation, you will want to make sure to look professional and conduct yourself professionally. If you have any questions about your appearance, clothing choices, demeanor or manner of expression/communication, please do not hesitate to ask. A little effort in this area can go a long way.
Once the judge hands down a decision, it is important not to lash out or argue. Being prepared to control your emotions is important, because it is generally easier to appeal a decision or take other relevant action on your behalf if you do not allow your emotions to bubble out of control. In addition, if you believe you have been wrongfully accused of a violation, please be prepared for the process of making your case and waiting while the other side makes theirs. This can be a stressful process, but a strong legal strategy may lead to success. In the end, the way you conduct yourself will likely impact the outcome of your hearing, at least to some degree.
Legal Guidance Is Available
If you have questions about probation, violating probation, expunging your criminal record or any other matter related to the criminal justice system, please consider scheduling a consultation with a law firm. A criminal defense lawyer New York, NY offers will be happy to advise you once we learn about the details of your particular situation. It is generally a good idea to seek legal guidance any time you are confused or feel uninformed about some element of criminal law. Trouble tends to occur far more frequently when individuals fail to ask questions as they arise. Plus, consultations with attorneys are generally confidential, so you should not hesitate to speak up at any time.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Okun, Oddo & Babat, P.C. for their insight into criminal defense and parole violation hearings.