If you are facing charges for simple assault, assault with significant injury, or aggravated assault, it would behoove you to speak with a Washington DC criminal assault lawyer immediately. There are many factors that can affect your assault case, including whom you assaulted, the extent of his/her injuries, whether there was a weapon involved, and other circumstances surrounding the incident. An attorney who fully understands the weight of your circumstances, and the laws surrounding them, can help you through this difficult situation. An experienced assault attorneys in DC will help you build and implement a solid defense to help obtain the best possible outcome for you and your family.
- Simple Assault: In the District of Columbia, a simple assault charge is filed when the defendant is believed to have willfully and deliberately caused injury to another person. Furthermore, a person may charged with simple assault under an “intent to frighten” theory, in which the defendant made a threat and had the ability to carry out an injury on the victim. In this case, it must be established that a reasonable person would be afraid of bodily injury in the situation. Defendants convicted of assault can receive a prison sentence of up to $180 days and/or a $1,000 fine.
- Significant Injury: If a person knowingly and deliberately causes someone significant bodily injury, he or she may receive a prison sentence of up to three years and/or a $12,500 fine. The law defines “Significant bodily injury” as an injury that requires hospitalization or immediate medical attention. This is a serious offense, but with the help of a qualified criminal lawyer of Washington DC, your charges may be dismissed or reduced and your punishment mitigated.
- Aggravated Assault: In any instance of an assault charge, a defendant would be wise to contact an experienced Washington DC criminal attorney. However, this need is augmented in the instance of aggravated assault, which results in serious bodily injury to a person. “Serious bodily injury” is that which results in the risk of death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, or protracted and obvious disfigurement. These charges carry punishments of a maximum ten year jail sentence and/ or a $25,000 fine. Attempted aggravated assault charges may carry a five year jail sentence and a $12,500 fine.
If you are facing assault charges on any level, you would be wise to speak to a legal professional as soon as you can. An experienced criminal lawyer in Washington DC can help ensure you are treated fairly and all of your rights are respected throughout the process. A criminal lawyer can raise a strategic and thoughtful defense, and keep you informed throughout the judicial process. Remember, with the state behind them, a qualified criminal attorney is your best protection against the power of a prosecutor. Do not hesitate to call a Washington DC assault lawyers today.