Traffic Ticket Attorney
If you were recently cited for a traffic violation, you may feel confused about what to do next. You might consider just paying the ticket to get it over with. However, it might not be in your best interest to do this. You may be better off attending traffic school.
Here are some benefits of attending traffic school after getting a ticket.
Reduce Your Fines
Monetary fines are one of the most common penalties for traffic tickets. Depending on your driving record and other factors, these fines can get expensive. If you get a speeding ticket in New Jersey, your fine will largely depend on how fast you were going. If you travel up to 9 miles over the speed limit, you will receive an $85 ticket. Driving faster than that can lead to even higher fines.
If you sign up for traffic school, the judge will likely reduce your fine.
Improve Driving Skills
No matter how long you’ve been driving for, it never hurts to improve your driving skills. When you’ve been driving for a long time, you may think that you know it all and get lazy. Attending traffic school can help you improve your driving skills and keep you from making the same mistakes.
For example, your instructor may remind you to maintain a safe distance between the vehicle in front of you, check your blind spots before merging and remain calm in traffic jams.
Prevent Car Insurance Spikes
If you have more than one moving violation on your driving record, your insurance company may decide to raise your car insurance premiums. They may believe drivers with multiple moving violations are high risk and raise their rates to protect themselves.
If you can’t afford to pay higher car insurance rates, you have another good reason to look into traffic school. If completing traffic school wipes the ticket off your driving record, you may not see an increase in your insurance rates.
Avoid a Suspended Driver’s License
If you have enough points on your driving record, a judge may decide to suspend your driver’s license. As you can probably imagine, this will make it much more difficult to go to work, appointments and other important places. In certain situations, completing traffic school may help you keep your license.
If you received a traffic ticket, contact a traffic ticket attorney, like one from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C.